What Happens If You Fart While Scuba Diving: Myth vs. Reality and Facts Explained




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Farts are gas. In water, gas forms bubbles. These bubbles do not weigh much. They move up fast in water because they are lighter than the water around them. Scuba divers wear suits that keep them steady in the water.

This is called buoyancy. A fart can cause tiny air pockets to form inside a diver’s suit. These pockets may upset the balance or buoyancy of the diver for a short time as they rise and escape from the suit.

How does depth affect farting during a dive?

A scuba diver in deep water, capturing a variety of photographs with different faces, hair styles, and outfits.

The depth of the water affects farting during a dive. When you are at a shallow depth, you may still be able to fart and feel it underwater. However, as you go deeper, the pressure increases and can make it hard for gas to escape your body.

So, when diving in deeper waters, you may not be able to fart or even feel it happening. It’s important to keep this in mind while scuba diving and adjust your expectations accordingly.

Does farting in a wetsuit affect buoyancy?

Farting in a wetsuit can affect buoyancy while scuba diving. When you release gas, it creates bubbles that get trapped inside your wetsuit. These bubbles take up space and make the suit less buoyant.

This means you might sink a little more in the water if you fart in your wetsuit. So, it’s best to avoid doing it if you want to maintain proper buoyancy during your dive.

Does farting underwater amplify the sound?

Farting underwater does not amplify the sound. The water actually muffles the sound, making it silent. So you don’t have to worry about your farts being heard by other divers. Just keep in mind that bubbles may emerge from your dive suit, which can be a bit embarrassing.

But as far as sound goes, you’re safe!

What Happens if You Fart While Scuba Diving?

Does farting while scuba diving affect the smell underwater? Find out why underwater farts may smell worse and learn tips to minimize farting during your dives. Read on to discover the myth versus reality of passing gas while scuba diving!

Does it affect the smell?

The photo captures Bubbles escaping from a scuba diver's suit in a bustling underwater scene.

When you fart underwater while scuba diving, it can affect the smell. Underwater farts tend to smell worse than ones released on land. This is because the gas mixes with the surrounding water and doesn’t dissipate as quickly as it would in the air.

The trapped bubbles from your fart may release a strong odor that can linger around you. It’s important to be aware of this and considerate of your dive buddies when letting out gas underwater.

In addition, farting underwater can also be embarrassing if bubbles emerge from your exposure suit. These bubbles act like little signals that announce your bodily functions to everyone nearby.

So, not only do you have to deal with the smell, but there’s also a chance that others might notice the bubbles and realize what happened.

Why do underwater farts smell worse?

The subject of the image is a person of Caucasian descent.Underwater farts smell worse because of the way gases behave in water. Normally, when you fart on land, the gas quickly rises and spreads out into the air. But underwater, the gas gets trapped in your wetsuit or bubbles up to the surface.

This means that more of the smell stays near you for a longer time, making it seem stronger. So if you’re scuba diving with friends and let one rip, be prepared for some extra stinky bubbles!

Tips to Minimize Farting Underwater

Avoiding gas-inducing foods, warming up before diving, and staying hydrated are just a few practical tips to minimize farting underwater. Curious to know more? Keep reading!

Hit the restroom before the dive

Before you go scuba diving, make sure to use the restroom. It’s important to empty your bladder before getting in the water. This can prevent any uncomfortable situations while you’re underwater.

Plus, it’s not easy to find a bathroom down there! So take care of any business beforehand and enjoy your dive without worrying about needing to go.

Avoid gas-inducing foods

A woman enjoying a healthy meal surrounded by an array of colorful dishes with a scenic view.

To minimize the chances of farting while scuba diving, it’s important to avoid eating foods that can make you gassy. Stay away from carbonated drinks like soda or beer, as well as foods like beans, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and spicy dishes.

These types of foods can cause more gas production in your digestive system and increase the likelihood of passing gas underwater. Stick to light meals before diving and choose foods that are easy to digest to help prevent any embarrassing moments during your dive.

Warm up before diving

A vibrant underwater scene showcasing tropical coral reefs, diverse fish species, and bustling marine life.

Before you go scuba diving, it’s important to warm up your body. This helps to prepare your muscles and joints for the physical activity ahead. You can do simple exercises like stretching or light movements to get your blood flowing and loosen up tight muscles.

By warming up, you reduce the risk of muscle cramps and injuries while underwater. So take a few minutes before your dive to warm up and ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience.

Take a gas-reducing medication

If you’re worried about farting while scuba diving, taking a gas-reducing medication can help. This medication can reduce the amount of gas in your stomach and intestines, minimizing the chances of passing gas underwater.

It’s important to consult with a doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication to ensure it is safe for you and won’t interfere with other medications or health conditions you may have.

By taking this medication, you can enjoy your dive without worrying about embarrassing bubbles or discomfort caused by excess gas.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important while scuba diving. When you’re underwater, your body loses water more quickly because of the dry air you breathe and the exertion from swimming. Additionally, dehydration can increase your risk of decompression sickness and other diving-related issues.

To avoid this, remember to drink plenty of water before and during your dive. It’s a simple yet effective way to stay safe and enjoy your underwater adventure without any discomfort or complications.

So keep a water bottle handy and make hydration a priority when scuba diving.

Avoid swallowing air

Swallowing air while scuba diving can lead to discomfort and even gas-related issues. When you swallow air, it can get trapped in your stomach, causing bloating and stomach cramps.

This is not something you want to experience during a dive! To avoid this, make sure you breathe slowly and consciously through your mouthpiece without gulping in air. Take slow, deep breaths and focus on exhaling fully before inhaling again.

By doing this, you can minimize the amount of air swallowed and prevent any potential problems underwater.

Additionally, avoiding carbonated drinks before a dive is important because they can increase the chances of swallowing excess air. Remember to stay hydrated with non-carbonated beverages like water or electrolyte solutions instead.

Myth vs. Reality: Is it safe to fart while scuba diving?

Is it safe to fart while scuba diving? Here are some facts and myths explained:

– Myth: Farting underwater can cause serious accidents or health issues.

– Reality: While farting underwater may be embarrassing, it is generally safe and won’t lead to any serious problems like gas embolism or decompression sickness.

– Myth: Fart bubbles can attract dangerous marine creatures.

– Reality: There is no evidence to suggest that fart bubbles will attract harmful sea creatures.

– Myth: Farting in a wetsuit can cause buoyancy problems.

– Reality: Farting in a wetsuit might create additional bubbles, but these usually dissipate quickly and don’t significantly impact buoyancy.

Remember, if you feel discomfort or notice any unusual symptoms after passing gas underwater, it’s important to signal your dive buddy and ascend slowly while monitoring for potential issues.


A scuba diver explores a vibrant coral reef, surrounded by diverse marine life and captured in stunning detail.

In conclusion, farting while scuba diving is a topic that raises curiosity and concern among divers. While it may feel embarrassing, farting underwater is actually common and can happen to anyone.

Although there are some myths surrounding the topic, the reality is that farting underwater won’t cause any significant harm or affect your safety while diving. So next time you’re underwater and feel the need to let one out, don’t worry – just enjoy your dive!


1. What happens if you fart while scuba diving?

When you fart while scuba diving, the underwater gas release creates embarrassing bubbles underwater.

2. Is it possible to let out flatulence during deep sea diving?

Yes, experiencing gas release or passing gas is normal when in deep sea or shallower water due to underwater physics.

3. Can farting while diving cause any accidents?

Ensuring your safety in scuba diving encompasses many aspects like skillful breathing techniques and proper use of diving equipment; meanwhile, farting does not pose a threat per se.

4. Is it a myth that flatulence can inflate your dive suit?

Flatulence cannot inflate your dive suit- this is a common misunderstanding between Myth vs Reality about what truly occurs during an underwater fart

5. Does passing gas affect nitrogen narcosis during scuba dives?

No, flatulence doesn’t have any known bearing on issues such as nitrogen narcosis — this involves different elements of underwater biology and diver’s health condition.

About the author

Tony is a Scuba enthusiast and has published many works on Scuba Diving. He created ScubaDiveCentral to share fascinating insights into the captivating world of scuba diving from a place of passion and integrity.

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